Low-level mapping of key combinations in GNU/Linux (remapping the unremappable)

Keyboard by  ainul muttaqin from the Noun Project This is a "brief" tale about how I used uinput and evdev to remap some keys of my latop's keyboard. Using this "low-level" approach it is possible to remap "unreamappable" key bindings, such as Alt+Right to End or Alt+Left to Home. I've been using, almost exclusively, an … Continue reading Low-level mapping of key combinations in GNU/Linux (remapping the unremappable)

First step of my journey for rediscovering the straight path (aka I’m using again GNU Emacs after many years)

"... mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ché la diritta via era smarrita ..." (Divina Commedia - Canto I) Like Dante in his allegoric journey, I (also) "found myself deep in a darkened forest, for I had lost all trace of the straight path" in the computing world. The "darkened forest" in which I found … Continue reading First step of my journey for rediscovering the straight path (aka I’m using again GNU Emacs after many years)